Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Start of the fatman's story

Hi if you are reading this some of you may know me or may not, for those who dont I am Fred aka Frogg to my friends.
I am at this point a massively obese fat man. I am 45 years old as of may 26, I am loved and cared for.

I dont know when i got to where i am at this time but it is time for a change.
I have AVN of my hips and always had problems walkin but Dec 07 after 3 days of the flu i ended up in the hospital with cellulitis which turned into lymphadema.

in the last year i have lost the ability to walk due to weight,lymphadema and AVN.
I have battle depression and major anxiety and self loathing.
*june 3 2009)
5 weeks ago i made a choice to change my life because i want to live again, and be the partner my wife and love deserves and that i deserve.
I quit smoking i am was up to 2-3 packs a day and now smoke free.
I am excersicing in my chair doing arms calisthenics and stomach crunches.
I was unable to walk 20 feet without sitting down and resting for 10mins.
In the last week i can now walk about 50ft before dying.

so please send light and good thoughts to aide me on this journey.
I hope to find my friends who seems to have disappeared or make new ones.
I will have a new life, so welcome and let's live life!

On July 4th Independence Day, I had done 10 sets of my exercises today so far and is only 1pm cent.
I feel pretty ok. Lisa says she see’s differences in my shape and can tell I am losing weight. My walking is slowly and painfully

SO TODAY I DECLARE and will live my INDEPENDENCE of being trapped by a fat crippled body. I will fight to be free, I will not give in or up.
There will be no bad foods, just bad amounts. I will learn to eat and exercise and be a normal healthy being.
I will become and live sexy, happy and healthy.
I will become once again a viable productive man who gives and just doesn’t take.
I will walk down the aisle with my bride and dance at our wedding.
I will go visiting friends and family.
Yesterday I found myself just smiling for no reason and feeling pretty good, this surprised me, this is a hard battle and I appreciate all the love and support you are all giving me.

Goddess Bless (or insert your higher powers name here) and live and love well babies.

Frogg, loves you , so hope you all get some extra loving and steaks.

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